Free Speech Can Have Consequences

The Internet never forgives, nor forgets, and most people are aware that posting something violent or sexually offensive, or if they are the perpetrators of cyberbullying, can easily get them in trouble with their family, their friends, and even their …

Free Speech Can Have Consequences

The Internet never forgives, nor forgets, and most people are aware that posting something violent or sexually offensive, or if they are the perpetrators of cyberbullying, can easily get them in trouble with their family, their friends, and even their …

How Apps are Changing the Way Employees Receive Mental Health Care | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Did you know studies convey that 20% of the population, or 1 in every 5 adults suffer from some sort of mental health condition? Mental health has become a substantially concerning issue in America’s workplace, and therefore a top priority in employee wellness. Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder cause workers … Continued

What to Expect in 2016 – Clarifying Some of the Confusion of the ACA | Illinois Employee Benefits

One thing rings true when it comes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA): “expect the unexpected.” I know this sounds cliché, but it was my best attempt to describe the experience HR professionals encounter as they attempt to comply with this somewhat murky piece of legislation. Last year on December 28, we were alerted a … Continued

Are You Feeling (Financially) Well?

You may be physically healthy, but how is your financial well-being? Employers are discovering that they can save money by helping their employees reduce their stress regarding finances.

Are You Feeling (Financially) Well?

You may be physically healthy, but how is your financial well-being? Employers are discovering that they can save money by helping their employees reduce their stress regarding finances.

Ask the Experts: Working from Home During Bad Weather | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Question: Are we required to allow employees (either exempt or nonexempt) to work from home if we must close the office due to bad weather? Answer: No, employers are not required to allow employees to telework (work from home or another location; virtual work) under any specific weather conditions regardless of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exemption … Continued

4 Easy Ways to Step Up Your Employee Wellness Program | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Employee Wellness Programs are a key factor in employee engagement and overall company success in today’s business world. Wellness programs are consistently evolving and changing as employee demands shift. Companies are constantly looking for new ways to engage and encourage their employees, preferably at a lower cost. Below are some effective and cost-efficient ways to … Continued

Success in Voluntary through Strategic Benefits Communication

Having a benefits communications strategy can ensure employees have the information they need to make their purchase decision, while relieving you of some of the HR burden.

Plan Documents: ERISA, Section 125, SPDs, and Wraps, Oh My!

This webinar will help employers understand what plan documents they need, what the documents should contain and the implications of using a “wrap document” to wrap the ERISA plan document and SPD requirements into one document.