Brushing Up On Your Employee Benefits Communication Skills

employee communication“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”. – George
Bernard Shaw

“Effective employee communication” is definitely a buzzword in the human resources industry. We all intuitively know communication is a good thing, but how many of us actually practice it on a daily basis? And let’s face it: Pressing deadlines always seem to trump establishing positive communication in the workplace. However, when a project or other initiative fails
due to a communication breakdown, we are all the first to say, “I wish I had communicated that more effectively.”

So why does communication fall so low on the priority list? It may have to do with the fact that we may need some tools to know how to communicate effectively. As much as we think it’s intuitive, it actually is a skill that needs to consistently be cultivated.

I recently ran across a TLNT article, Good Workplace Communication? It Means Good
Workplace Performance
, that provided three great tips to increase positive

  1. Providing feedback: Whether positive or negative, feedback is critical. Providing positive reinforcement for a job well done is just as effective as delivering constructive criticism. Also, providing the same feedback to each employee is not going to be as effective as catering your message for each individual employee.
  2. Understanding differences: With many of the positive sweeping changes in the civil rights arena, we tend to overlook the importance of cultural and generational differences in the workplace. However, these factors have a huge impact on your employees’ worldview, and more importantly, how they receive and filter information. Be aware of these filters and cater your message accordingly.
  3. Really listening: This may seem like a no-brainer, but are you a good listener? The article suggests listening as if there was going to be a pop quiz at the end of every conversation.

When it comes to benefits, I can’t think of a more crucial area that demands effective communication. In a recent survey by Colonial Life, only 23 percent of employees think their employers communicate their benefits very effectively. United Benefit Advisors will be hosting a webinar, presented by Touchpoints, that will share tips to help you create an effective communication strategy, and most importantly, execute that strategy and measure
the results.

The webinar, How Effective Communication Happens: Benefits Style!, will take place on Thursday, Sept. 12 at 2 p.m. EDT. To receive the $149 discount for this webinar, enter the code “UBATP” when registering.

The confusing swirl of PPACA regulations present a great opportunity to impress and retain your employees by ensuring they understand your benefits offerings.