Your Voluntary Benefits Plan May Lead To A Tragic Result | Chicago Employee Benefits Group

The end of the open enrollment season is in sight, and human resource professionals are breathing a sigh of relief as they close the door on the 2019 enrollment. Smart benefit managers are already beginning to assess new products and services for the next enrollment season and looking at how to improve their programs and … Continued

Disability Insurance | Chicago Benefit Consultants

“Your most valued asset isn’t your house, car, or retirement account. It’s the ability to make a living.” No one foresees needing disability benefits.  But, should a problem arise, the educated and informed employee can plan for the future by purchasing disability insurance to help cover expenses when needed. When you ask people what is … Continued

Here’s Where #FOMO Is Doing You a Disservice | Chicago Employee Benefits

Fear of missing out—is more than just a hashtag. Many Millennials admit that #FOMO drives a lot of their decisions on what they wear, what they do, even what they eat and drink. We live in a world of social influence. But one area where #FOMO really does you a disservice? No one is afraid … Continued

The Risk of Being Uninsured (and the Hidden Bargain in Addressing It Now) | Chicago Benefit Advisors

With all the expenses of everyday living, it’s tempting to think of insurance as just another cost. What’s harder to see is the potential cost of not buying insurance—or what’s known as “self-insuring”—and the hidden bargain of coverage. The Important vs. the Urgent We’ve all experienced it: the tendency to stay focused on putting out … Continued