Benefits of Health Insurance | Chicago Benefits Agency
Why should you consider getting health insurance? How does it help your family? What are the services it provides? Watch this video to find out!
Why should you consider getting health insurance? How does it help your family? What are the services it provides? Watch this video to find out!
This is a reminder that from February 1 through April 30, 2018, impacted employers are required to post a copy of their 2017 Form 300A (Summary of Work-Related Illnesses and Injuries) in a common area where employee notices are usually available. This annual requirement may not apply to certain employers that are partially exempt from … Continued
Have you heard the saying “the eyes are the window to your soul”? Well, did you know that your mouth is the window into what is going on with the rest of your body? Poor dental health contributes to major systemic health problems. Conversely, good dental hygiene can help improve your overall health. As … Continued
Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of employee and customer injuries – and they’re not a just concern in the winter months. Register for this informative session on April 28th at 1:00 p.m. CDT to learn more about your exposure to loss and tips to reduce it. Register here.