Medicare Part D Notices Due Oct. 15 | Chicago Employee Benefits Consultants

Are you an employer that offers or provides group health coverage to your workers? Does your health plan cover outpatient prescription drugs — either as a medical claim or through a card system? If so, be sure to distribute your plan’s Medicare Part D notice before October 15. Purpose Medicare began offering “Part D” plans … Continued

IRS Changes Course (Again) and Restores 2018 HSA Family Limit to $6,900 | Chicago Benefits Advisors

Friday, April 27, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that the 2018 annual contribution limit to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) for persons with family coverage under a qualifying High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) is restored to $6,900. The single-coverage limit of $3,450 is not affected. This is the final word on what has been an … Continued

Price Shopping Healthcare | Chicago Benefits Brokers

As the costs of health care soar, many consumers are looking for ways to control their medical spending. Also, with the rise of enrollment in high deductible health plans, consumers are paying for more health care out-of-pocket. From medical savings accounts to discount plans for prescriptions, patients are growing increasingly conscious of prices for their … Continued

Quick Look: Medical Savings Accounts | Illinois Employee Benefits

Check out this infographic to learn all about medical savings accounts and how you can save money using them!

All About Medical Savings Accounts | Illinois Employee Benefits Advisors

Taking control of health care expenses is on the top of most people’s to-do list for 2018.  The average premium increase for 2018 is 18% for Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans.  So, how do you save money on health care when the costs seems to keep increasing faster than wage increases?  One way is through … Continued