Open Enrollment: Looking Backward to Plan Forward | Chicago Employee Benefits

When the autumn leaves fall and the weather turns cooler, we know it’s time to start thinking of open enrollment. Open enrollment season can be a confusing time. As you begin your research into which plan to choose or even how much to contribute to your Health Savings Account (HSA), consider evaluating how you used … Continued

Three Surprising Benefits to a Virtual Open Enrollment | Illinois Employee Benefits Agency

With many enrollments being forced to go virtual this year, you may feel at a disadvantage. But, there are actually plenty of reasons to believe a virtual open enrollment could be even more effective for you and your clients. IMPROVED EDUCATION People only tend to remember 10% of what they hear and only 20% of … Continued

Gamification and Open Enrollment | IL Employee Benefits Consultants

Open enrollment season is upon us and many companies are choosing to host “virtual benefits fairs” instead of the traditional “walk and talk” fairs. Open enrollment meetings have turned into live streaming events or recorded webinars. Incentivizing employee participation in these areas can come in a variety of ways but the newest trend is gamification. … Continued

How to be an Open Enrollment Rockstar | Illinois Benefits Advisors

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. No, it’s not Christmas—it’s Open Enrollment!! When the autumn leaves fall and the weather turns cooler, we know it’s time to start thinking of open enrollment hype and meetings and meetings and meetings. So how do you change normal and ordinary communication about employee benefits and change … Continued

The News About Association Health Plans | Illinois Employee Benefit Brokers

On June 19, 2018, the U.S. Department of Labor released its Final Rule regarding Association Health Plans (AHPs). AHPs are not new, but they have not been widely available in the past and, in some cases, they have not been successful. The Final Rule is designed to make AHPs available to a greater number of … Continued

PPOs Dominate Despite Savings with HMOs and CDHPs | Chicago Benefit Advisors

The findings of our 2017 Health Plan Survey show a continuation of steady trends and some surprises. It’s no surprise, however, that costs continue to rise. The average annual health plan cost per employee for all plan types is $9,934, an increase from 2016, when the average cost was $9,727. There are significant cost differences … Continued

It’s Open Enrollment Time! | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Fall.  With it comes cooler temperatures’, falling leaves, warm seasonal scents like turkey and pumpkin pie, and Open Enrollment.  It goes without saying; employees who understand the effectiveness of their benefits are much more pleased with those packages, happier with their employers, and more engaged in their work. So, as your company gears up for … Continued

Strategic benefits communication: Five key steps to success this open enrollment season | Chicago Benefit Advisors

In previous posts, I have talked about several aspects of strategic benefits communication. Now it’s time to put those strategies into action. As we approach enrollment season, let’s look at five key steps to ensuring this year’s open enrollment is successful for you and your employees. 1. Determine your key objectives What do employees need … Continued