Mental Health is Wealth, So Start Saving Up Now! | Chicago Employee Benefits

“Suck it up,” “cheer up,” “snap out of it,” “but you don’t look sick”- these are just some of the phrases that well-meaning friends and family tell loved ones struggling with mental health issues. Research shows that one in five adults struggle with mental health conditions.  Mental health struggles include depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, … Continued

What is Mental Health and Wellness in HR? | Chicago Employee Benefits Firm

Mental health and wellness in HR are becoming top priorities for employers. In fact, HR leaders named mental health and wellbeing as their third biggest problem, behind the labor shortage and retaining talent, in the latest HR Exchange Network State of HR report. In addition, those surveyed also said burnout was the top consequence of the … Continued

6 Ways to Reduce Burnout When You’re Understaffed | IL Employee Benefits Consultants

Question We’ve been both super busy and understaffed recently. Is there anything we can do during this time to help our employees avoid extra stress or burnout before we can hire more employees? Answer Yes. Here are a few things you can do to make this time run as smoothly and stress-free as possible: Remove nonessential work … Continued

Healthy Eating Tips | Chicago Employee Benefits Agency

It can sometimes feel as if we’re bombarded with information about the latest eating trend or buzzworthy ingredient. But good nutrition is really about having a well-rounded diet, and it’s easier to do than you may think. In fact, living a nutritious lifestyle can be easy and fun. Nutrition is about more than vitamins—it also … Continued

Important Tips for Men’s Health | Chicago Benefits Agents

We have certainly been focused on improving our health this year. June is Men’s Health Month and provides a great opportunity to focus on some simple tips that men can follow to shore up their health. These five guidelines will not only assist with a man’s physical health, but also their mental health. Make Annual … Continued

Back to Basics 3 Simple Tips for Building Healthy Kids | IL Employee Benefits Advisors

Do these promises sound familiar? “When I have kids, I’ll never let them eat XYZ.” “My kids will always eat whatever I put in front of them.” “Our family will never eat out all the time.” We’ve all said them at some point in our lives and, whether we’ve started a family or are still … Continued

Family Caregivers: 5 Tools to Avoid Burnout | IL Employee Benefits Group

According to the National Center on Caregiving, a family caregiver (or informal caregiver) is “an unpaid individual (for example, a spouse, partner, family member, friend, or neighbor) involved in assisting others with activities of daily living and/or medical tasks.”  In the US, 85% of caregivers care for a relative or loved one with 42% of … Continued

CBD: Fact or Fiction? | Chicago Benefits Team

The cannabidiol (CBD) market in the United States has taken off like a rocket. Some projections have this market reaching $16 billion by 2025. After years of singing its praises for treating, albeit illegally, a myriad of health issues, supporters of cannabis have seen an uptick of mainstream support in the last 2 years with … Continued

8 Creative Ways to Move More When You’re Stuck at Home | Chicago Benefits Agency

The latest coronavirus, COVID-19, continues to be a major source of concern. Sports teams have cancelled seasons, companies are urging employees to work from home and social distancing is in full swing — all of which has anxiety at an all-time high. One way to help calm your nerves: exercise. “It can help reduce tension and elevate … Continued

Dental Health Benefits You Can’t Afford to Lose | Illinois Benefits Group

Did you know that a healthy mouth and good oral hygiene can actually reduce your likelihood of other serious diseases? Your mouth is more than just a gateway to enjoying delicious food. Your mouth is an indicator of your overall health. Let’s chew on the facts about dental health and what it can mean for … Continued