Top 2014 UBA Publications for Employers | Chicago Employee Benefits

Posted by Bill Olson

papersUBA publishes many white papers, an executive summary of its annual Health Plan Survey, and custom reports. Below are the publications that garnered the most traffic and requests in 2014.

1. The Employer’s Guide to “Play or Pay”.

With every day that goes by, the nation’s employers move a step closer to having to make “Play or Pay” decisions. The decisions are far from easy…and the clock is ticking. Download publication.

2. 2014 Health Plan Survey Executive Summary.

As employers consider their health insurance solutions in the face of health care reform, benefits benchmarking data is vital to accurately evaluate costs and determine if a plan is competitive. The 2014 UBA Health Plan Survey Executive Summary provides the latest trends in health plan costs, design, and plan type, plus information on wellness programs and the impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Download publication.

3. A Business Case for Benefits Communications.

As the cost of employer-sponsored health insurance continues to rapidly outpace wages and inflation, now more than ever employers are looking for ways to keep costs down. One way to do so (that requires very modest investment) is by improving benefits communication, a critical component of your employee engagement strategy. Download publication.

4. Counting Employees Under PPACA.

As you likely know, the “employer mandate” section of the Affordable Care Act requires companies with 50 or more employees to either provide adequate and affordable coverage to their workers or pay tax penalties. But just how are those 50 to be counted? Request publication.

5. Custom UBA Health Plan Benchmarking Report.

Employers are increasingly challenged to find accurate information that will help them evaluate their health plan design, manage rising costs and prepare for the future of health care. Making the right strategic business decisions starts with having all the facts. The UBA Health Plan Survey is the most comprehensive benchmarking survey of plan design and cost ever conducted, providing employers of all sizes more detailed — and therefore more meaningful — benchmarks and trends than any other source. Get a competitive edge in recruiting and retention of a superior workforce and planning for health care reform by evaluating and comparing your health plan to other companies. Request a report.

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