UBA Employer Survey

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Employers who participate in the survey will receive a complimentary electronic synopsis of the final report. The survey is open to all employers from Feb. 7 through March 4.

The 2011 UBA Benefit Opinions Survey delineates employers’ opinions in five key areas: Health Plan Strategies, Benefits Philosophy and Opinion, Health Plan Management, Personal Health Management and Employee Communications.

The survey results will provide employers who participate with critical benchmarks that allow them to compare their attitudes and strategies regarding employer-provided health care with those of their peers and competitors. Employers will learn which strategies are actually being implemented (rather than just talked about) and which ones are really working. The survey results compile information from employers representing all major industry classifications, employee size categories and regions of the country.

“Health plan strategies, philosophy, management and communication of health plans will be an important focus for employers in the upcoming months as the debate on health care continues in Washington. As we have seen in prior opinion surveys conducted by UBA, there will undoubtedly be some surprises that we will identify and include in our analysis,” said William Stafford, Vice President, Member Services for UBA.

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